Saturday, June 8, 2013

Best learn to fight against these county, city an state gangs! | Corruption everywhere today!

Best learn to fight against these county, city an state gangs! | Corruption everywhere today!

Stop Banking at B of A an Well’s Fargo Now! | Corruption everywhere today!

Stop Banking at B of A an Well’s Fargo Now! | Corruption everywhere today!

America’s 10 Worst Prisons Pt. 1 Walnut Grove | General Strike USA

America’s 10 Worst Prisons Pt. 1 Walnut Grove | General Strike USA

World’s biggest play ground made out of GOLD! | Corruption everywhere today!

World’s biggest play ground made out of GOLD! | Corruption everywhere today!

June 7. 2013-Say Goodbye to your gun rights!

June 7. 2013-Say Goodbye to your gun rights!

Obama will sign away America's Gun Rights!

 This past Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that Obama will sign a controversial gun-control treaty promulgated by the United Nations. “We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official languages is completely satisfied,” Kerry said in a prepared statement.
Although the treaty is being touted as a way to prevent “illicit trade in conventional weapons,” it actually does far more than that. Among other outrages, it demands that every nation create a registry of gun owners, manufacturers and traders within its borders. And also that each country establish mechanisms that could prevent private individuals from purchasing ammunition for any weapons they do own.
In other words, this U.N. treaty would mean the end of our 2nd Amendment rights. And Kerry says Obama will sign it. What kind of madness is this?